
(206) 522-4366

4740 B University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

Have other questions?

Our staff are happy to help. Check out the staff directory for specific contact information.

How do I find the Teen Feed office?

The Teen Feed office is at 4740 B University Way NE. We are directly on “the Ave” just south of 50th Street. Our gate is between Rudy’s Barbershop and Lucky Vintage. Head up the stairs to the second floor, and ours is the door to the left. The Teen Feed staff work unconventional hours, and frequently during the evenings, so the best way to reach us at the office is to call or email and make an appointment.

  • Meal Program Schedule

Meals are served every night of the week:

7:00-8:00pm, 7 DAYS A WEEK (Mon-Sun) – University Congregational Church, 4515 16th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105 (16th Ave NE & NE 45th). 

  • Enter down the cement steps to orange/red double doors, marked by a red trash can at the top of the stairs on the sidewalk of 16th Ave NE. 

In-Reach Schedule

In-Reach is a biweekly safe space, come find community and access resources. Located at ROOTS Young Adult Shelter, In-Reach occurs every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30-6:30pm.

For more information about the meal program or In-Reach, please call 206.229.0813. We are happy to provide printed schedules.